8th Kahtina Robe Offering Ceremony

On 21st November 2023, MTSH and TPD hold a robe offering ceremony for the 8th time as a Kahtina donation. The event took place at Maha Thukha Shwe Kyaung, Adduttaw village, Kyauk Tan township.

Employees from both offices carried the trees of offerings to the monastery as an act of tradition and good deed.

The ceremony was concluded with the Dhamma Speech from Venerable Sayadaw followed by luch donation to the monks and novices in the monastery.

MTSH and TPD hold a robe offering ceremony for the 8th time as a Kahtina donation. The event took place at Maha Thukha Shwe Kyaung, Adduttaw village, Kyauk Tan township.