MTSH held its 11th Annual General Meeting on 20th September, 2024. A total of 19,061,733 shares registered for attendance and voting rights. Board of Directors of MTSH, Employees and special guests from government bodies attended the meeting in person and through zoom. During the meeting, MTSH resolved the following matters:
- To approve the Company’s FY 2023-2024 Financial Statements, Directors’ Report and External Auditor Report.
- To approve the Company’s proposed dividend based on the financial position as at 31st March, 2024.
- To elect Directors to the Company’s Board of Directors and to confirm the Independent Directors proposed to be appointed by the BOD.
Elected Directors % of Approval Votes
1. U Win Aung 99.9%
2. U Thaung Han 99.9%
3. Daw Aye Aye Aung 99.9%Independent Directors % of Approval Votes
1. Prof. Dr. Aung Tun Thet 80%
2. U Aung Nyunt 100%
3. U Toe Aung Myint 100%
4. U Htay Chun 100% - To re-appoint Win Thin and Associates as the Company’s auditors and to approve the Auditors Fees for FY 2024-2025.
- To approve and distribute 1.3% of the Company Group Profit to the members of the Board for FY 2023-2024.
Click Resolution Passed at the 11th AGM to see complete resolution.
MTSH hold 11th Annual General Meeting on 20th September, 2024. A total of 19,061,733 shares registered for attaendance and voting rights. Board of Directors of MTSH, Employees and special guests from government bodies attended the meeting in person and through zoom.