
Our philanthropic activities are structured around 3 pillars:

  • Community Development
  • Education
  • Infrastructure

This table summarizes our efforts from last years:




Community development

MTSH co-organized the Business for Peace Seminars, a joint effort promoted also by the UMFCCI and the UNGC Network Myanmar

  • 7 seminars held

Donation to support the Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development in Rakhine

  • MMK 150 million donated

Donation to support communities during covid-19 outbreak

  • MMK 115 million donated

Grievance mechanism set up by MJTD and meetings held with the local communities in Thilawa

  • 60 complaints addressed to MJTD
  • 75% of the complaints have been resolved

Philanthropic activities

  • Kahtina robe offering
  • H1N1 influenza awareness program
  • Clinical equipment donation
  • Trash collection activity


Organization of the “Back to school program”

  • 500 students supported
  • MMK 10 million donated


Infrastructure support

  • Construction of a library, school and road