Independent Director
Present Directorships in listed Companies -
- Myanmar Thilawa SEZ Holdings Public Co., Ltd.
Date of appointment - 23.10.2016
Last re-appointed - 23.3.2022
Interest in the Company - None
U Aung Nyunt is an Independent Director of the Company. He was appointed in October 2016. From 1966 to 2007, nearly (41) years of services at Myanmar Timber Enterprise – Finance/Account Department, Planning Department and retired as a General Manager (Planning). As an attached duty in 1991, he served as a Director (Finance) for two years at National Industrial Holding Company Limited (NIHL) (Public Company). From 1995 to 1996, he was a part time Director of Myanmar Forest Products Joint Venture Company Limited (Forest J.V), Myanmar Korea Timber International Company Limited (MKTI), Myanmar Seal Company Limited (M.S.L) and International Business Centre (I.B.C) Co., Ltd. Starting from 2008 to 2013, he was an Independent Auditor for the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), Myanmar Engineering Society (MES), NGO-Japan Seeds Asia Project, Trustee Board of Pyi Shwe San Taw Pagoda and International Business Centre Company Limited (I.B.C) under the name of Aung Nyunt and Associates (Auditors). During his service at the Ministry, he has joined and attended various Financial Management Seminars in (9) different countries. He attended the Audit Committee Master Programme in April 2018 jointly sponsored by International Finance Corporation and Myanmar Institute of Directors. He was born in 1944 and studied at Myoma National High School. He graduated with B.Com (Accounting) in 1964 and Registered Accountant (Full-fledge) (now CPA) in 1965 respectively.