Back To School Donation 2023

MTSH continues its annual tradition of donating necessities to students, sustaining the " Back To School " program.

On 1st Septemer 2023, MTSH joined MJTD to provide stationary to students from uncomfortable families. The event took place in Basic Education Branch Middle School, Aduttaw village, Kyauk Tan township.

A total of 462 students, from Kindergarten to Grade (7), received exercise books, ballpens, pencils and stationary containers.

MTSH continues its annual tradition of donating necessities to students, sustaining the " Back To School " program.

On 1st Septemer 2023, MTSH joined MJTD to provide stationary to students from uncomfortable families. The event took place in Basic Education Branch Middle School, Aduttaw village, Kyauk Tan township.

A total of 462 students, from Kindergarten to Grade (7), received exercise books, pens and pencils, stationary containers.